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Our tips for a stress-free festive season

By Melissa Harries

I DON’T think anyone would deny that Christmas is a stressful time of year.

More to do and less time to do it in; all that time with family; cooking the perfect Christmas lunch and don't forget about the expense! So many demands on resources.

In the northern hemisphere there is some research to suggest that mortality rates increase around Christmas however this isn’t necessarily due to an increase in stress.

In fact, research investigating Christmas stress has found that wellbeing can actually increase during the Christmas period. Crazy, right? Well here are some evidence-based suggestions to get through the festive season without completely nutting out.

•    Participate in rituals. Participation in annual, ritualistic or spiritual Christmas activities with friends and family has been shown by researchers to increase subjective wellbeing as well as mood. You may not feel like it but going to Carols by Candlelight or church on Christmas Eve, but increasing social connection will improve affect and reduce loneliness.
•    Set aside time for rest. Part of the Christmas stress phenomenon is trying to achieve everything, see everyone and do all the activities that come up. This must be balanced with respite, recovery or relaxation. Particularly if you only take annual leave once per year, setting aside down time during leave from work is critical to restore the resources that are depleted by work.
•    Spend less on presents. Yep, the more you spend on gifts the lower your satisfaction with the festive season. While this is tapping in to your level of materialism (more materialism = lower satisfaction) it is well known by positive psychologists that spending money on stuff does not make us happier and this is true for Christmas. Meanwhile spending money on experiences tends to improve mood.
•    Continue regular health behaviours. One theory about the reduction in wellbeing for some over Christmas is that people exercise less and eat more processed and unfamiliar foods. Simple solution? Stick to your gym routine and eat as much fresh food as possible. At the very least go for a half hour walk each day.
•    Get some sleep discipline. Sleep loves routine and functions best when there is predictability to bed time and wake up time. During holidays it is natural that the sleep routine goes out the window. Unfortunately going to bed later and getting up later is likely to contribute to fatigue, which lowers mood. If you know you are particularly sensitive to disrupted sleep (for example concentration disappears, as does your frustration tolerance with insufficient sleep) then get up at the same time each morning, regardless of when you went to bed. The wake up time is the most critical component of the sleep routine so focus on this and the other components should fall in to place.

If you would like more information about how to manage stress, or other mental health concerns then you can contact Melissa at psychologist@parramattapsychologyclinic.com.au

Meantime  - from everyone at WSBA we wish all our readers and our supporters a very merry Chrstmas a great 2016.


Michael Walls
0407 783 413

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