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Glenn Anthoney at one of the many evening functions he attends in Western Sydney. Glenn Anthoney at one of the many evening functions he attends in Western Sydney. Featured

Healthy business starts with a healthy you

By Glenn Anthoney, Franchise Owner, BNI Sydney Northwest

I RUN a business. I work hard and long hours for a reason. The reason is family and lifestyle. I get tired, but that is not surprising with what I pack into each day.

Said this before? What have I left out that; you say to yourself?

We are human beings, not robots (and even robots break down or need repairs). But if we are not careful we will break and as I have experienced it can be so gradual you don’t even notice.

I was an undiagnosed Type 2 Diabetic for years and that has left me with plenty of legacies that are coming home to roost now.

I would like to share a little of that with you here and then you maybe encouraged to look, listen and act for yourself and all that matters.

One of the big contributors to heart disease is Diabetes. Particularly if it is undiagnosed and hence unmanaged. So the signs my body was giving me for some time before I listened were always tired, constant trips the toilet, feeling like I could not quench my thirst, and later on some pain in my arms, especially the left one. It got earlier each night that I would start to nod off and my legs ached after drinking alcohol.

Time to check this out after maybe three years of the tiredness and toilet thing; I am working long hard days, I should be tired and if I am always trying to quench my thirst I should go to the toilet, right?

So I had Type 2 diabetes, this is where the insulin in the body isn’t doing the job and removing sugar.

Lifestyle change instantly with getting fit again, changing eating habits, losing weight and managing my new life; the food stuff is hard in my business, because I am involved in business breakfasts in the morning and then plenty of nibbles available at after 5pm there are the business functions.

So I managed my new lifestyle well, dropped weight, implemented a daily walking regimen and all seemed to be going well for 5 years. Then….

Walking one morning I felt like I had heartburn, it tingled a little and I burped a bit and it seemed to pass. I had a good chilli dish the night before so 2 +2 =? Right?

Wrong; the next day worse, pain in the back now and felt like I was struggling to walk and breathe. I called the doctor and within days I was at a cardiologist.

So how do you go from someone fit, healthy and active with six km walks in 50 to 60 minutes to a 90% blocked main heart artery almost overnight?

Answer is, it wasn’t overnight. I was getting sleepy at night early, and on reflection not walking as far in the hour, it was gradual, so gradual it was unnoticed.

So if you have experienced any of the symptoms I have shared, don’t put them off as effort related and get checked it out. It could be one, or the other; diabetes or heart disease.

On reflection, no business, meeting or training is more important than your health. In fact I challenge you that a healthy and successful business or career starts and ends with a healthy and successful you.


Michael Walls
0407 783 413

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