Community consultations are being held throughout the Parramatta Local Government Area (LGA) to help shape the City’s vision and priorities and to capture ideas for major projects that can be actioned through the $14M Stronger Communities Fund.
The NSW Government established the fund as part of the Local Government amalgamations process, with the intention of kick-starting projects that deliver community benefit.
“The new City of Parramatta is a diverse, vibrant and larger community and now we need to plan for its future,” City of Parramatta Administrator Amanda Chadwick said.
“That’s why we are actively engaging with our residents and businesses about our new long-term vision and plan and I encourage everyone to get involved. We want to make sure that the services and facilities we provide continue to meet the community’s needs.”
The workshop sessions will be held from September 19 to October 13 and include language workshops in Arabic, Chinese and Korean, stakeholder workshops and sessions for young people aged 12 to 25.
A larger event, the 21st Century Workshop, will be held on November 5, where up to 100 local residents and businesses will bring their ideas to life in a facilitated high-tech workshop using interactive key pads and Keepad Response technology.
The technology allows for the collation of large amounts of data which can then be made immediately available for graphical display and projection onto a large screen for discussion and debate.
This means that people will be able to vote on issues with key pads and see other people’s ideas and discuss them in real time.
For more information on the workshops and to complete the online survey, which is open until October 7, visit: