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Disengaged employees: what are they really thinking? Featured

By David Hassell

YOU can’t crack your employees’ heads open and look inside (well you can, but legal will probably advise against it) so how do you uncover what drives individual employees to work hard, stay focused and be more creative?


By Eric Tjoeng

BESIDES personal freedom, possibly fun and self-satisfaction, one of the key reasons for owning a business is to provide financial rewards for the owner in term of profits and business value, both for the personal effort and also for the risk the business owner is taking.


By Bill Tyrrell

I HAVE spent the past 22 years helping businesses improve their internal operations and become more profitable.


02 February 2013

The easy path to CRM

By Dexter Duncan

IT amazes me how many businesses or midsize company sales or service departments that do not take full advantage of modern CRM (Customer Relationship Management).


By David Ley
EVERY year thousands of small to medium sized private business fail, losing thousands of dollars of their family’s hard earned money.


By Maria Ioia

IT’S a careful balance between what is sold and what is spent in your business as well as the timing around these two things. The tips below are pulled from many businesses I have interviewed over the last 15 years as well as from my own experience in maximising business cash flow.


THERE comes a time in many people’s careers when they stop and question what they are doing, if it’s something they want to keep doing, and if there’s anyway they can do things differently.


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Access News is a print and digital media publisher established over 15 years and based in Western Sydney, Australia. Our newspaper titles include the flagship publication, Western Sydney Express, which is a trusted source of information and for hundreds of thousands of decision makers, businesspeople and residents looking for insights into the people, projects, opportunities and networks that shape Australia's fastest growing region - Greater Western Sydney.