By Deborah Trevallion
Lecturer in the School of Education at University of Newcastle
AUSTRALIA finally has its first digital technology curriculum which is mandatory for all Australian children from Foundation, the name replacing kindergarten, to Year 8.
Life is all about change, so embrace it!
By Anya Haldey
Positive Coaching & Therapy
HAVE you ever watched a child pull apart a construction made of lego, like a car? When they separate the parts, they can either remake it, or create something different. During this creative process the common denominator are the parts.
Teach children to say sorry: why the word is only the first step
By Andrew Whitehouse
Winthrop Professor,
Telethon Institute for Child Health Research
at University of Western Australia
LAWYERS have conniptions whenever they hear it, Parliamentarians routinely avoid using it, and all over the world, people have arguments about who should say it first.
Business innovation centre a Crouch legacy
By Red Dwyer
A LEGACY of Michael Crouch will be an innovation centre at the University of New South Wales.
By Mike Walls
PROMINENT Hills businessman, Adjunct Professor Jim Taggart OAM retired a few months back but retirement hasn’t slowed his quest to enrich the lives of others.
UWS makes $845M contribution regional economy
THE economic contribution to Western Sydney of the University of Western Sydney and its students was estimated to be $845.3 million in 2010.
Tax consequences of creating Christmas cheer
By Michelle Hartman
Director | Deloitte Tax Services
WHILE our economy is still recovering and the festive season is fast approaching, here are some tax tips for celebrating the festive season.