Parramatta's heritage potential
By Geoff Lee
State Member for Parramatta
AT the State of the Region address Premier Barry O'Farrell gave the 'green light' for a Parramatta Heritage Precinct Master Plan.
Blacktown Showground redevelopment
BLACKTOWN City Council is on track to complete the first stage of the Blacktown Showground Redevelopment in 2012. This exciting project will transform this area into a cultural, recreational and entertainment precinct for Blacktown City and Western Sydney.
Blacktown Careers Expo
WITH strong population growth, local job opportunities are the goal of the many Blacktown residents. To support this goal, residents are invited to promote their business and be part of the Blacktown City Careers and Employment Expo.
Council launches carbon program
COMMUNITIES will be able to offset their emissions by purchasing carbon credits in a program designed by Blacktown City Council along with the Liverpool Plains Shire Council, in south-west NSW.
Liveability gives an edge
Come July, the ice rink will be the centrepiece of Winterlight, which is part of an overall campaign to make Parramatta a destination for people, business and investment.